Veuillez vous familiariser avec ce gadget
et découvrir quel type de joueur/joueuses vous êtes en ce moment... Bienvenue à l'Arcade du #DreamTeam ! EntrezJIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher Welcome in to the extraordinary life of an intergalactic travelling salesman with a lots of names like Reggie...
Reggie, as his friends call him, is a bizzart salesman traveling the cosmos in his trusty spaceship, The Profit Margin
Reggie's goal is to sell his one-of-a-kind, multi-purpose gadget - the JIMAX Screen Pitcher/Catcher HG - to unsuspecting aliens across the universe.
Where should Reggie try his luck first?Are you more of a Scientific salesman or the opposite ?Skip To End skip_next01 / 15Visit Planet AVisit Planet BReggie lands on Planet Zogbor, home to the notorious Zogborians - giant, carnivorous slug-like creatures with a taste for salesmen.
As Reggie disembarks, he spots a group of Zogborians oozing towards him. He quickly grabs a JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher , hoping to make a quick sale and escape unharmed.Welcome to ZogborSkip To End skip_next02 / 15Offer a free demoUse the JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher
defensivelyOn Planet Xylophia, Reggie encounters the Xylophians - a species of sentient, musical plants.
Upon landing, he is surrounded by a symphony of harmonious, plant-based lifeforms.
Intrigued by their musical abilities, Reggie wonders if the JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher could be their next big instrument.The Xylophian EncounterSkip To End skip_next03/ 15Play the Nebulon 3000Pretend to be a conductorReggie starts demonstrating the JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher's various features to the Zogborians.
Unfortunately, he accidentally activates the "Gourmet Delicacy" mode, causing the gadget to emit a tantalizing aroma.
The Zogborians, unable to resist the scent, devour Reggie and his gadget in one voracious slurp.
The end.Demo DisasterSkip To End skip_next04/ 15Back To Title ScreenReggie quickly switches the JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher to its defensive "Electro-Slug Repellent" mode.
The gadget emits an electric force field, causing the Zogborians to recoil. Seeing an opportunity, Reggie flees back to The Profit Margin, barely escaping with his life but without a sale.Slug StandoffSkip To End skip_next05/ 15Visit Planet XylophiaVisit Planet GazorpazorpReggie decides to play the Nebulon 3000 like a musical instrument, hoping to impress the Xylophians.
To his amazement, the gadget produces a captivating melody that blends seamlessly with the plants' harmonious tunes.
The Xylophians are delighted and eagerly purchase several JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher .
Success!Nebulon 3000 SymphonySkip To End skip_next06/ 15Celebrate with the XylophiansVisit Planet GazorpazorpReggie pretends to be a conductor, orchestrating the Xylophian plants.
However, his overzealous conducting accidentally snaps a branch off a plant, causing a screeching, off-key wail.
The plants are horrified and chase Reggie off their planet, fearing more harm.
No sales today!Conducting CatastropheSkip To End skip_next07/ 15Visit Planet GazorpazorpVisit Planet DinglebotPlanet Gazorpazorp is inhabited by the sophisticated Gazorpazorpians, who love collecting rare items.
Reggie believes the JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher would be a perfect fit.
Unfortunately, he misjudges their culture and accidentally insults their leader, resulting in Reggie's swift banishment.
Another missed opportunity.Gazorpa-
zorpian GaffeSkip To End skip_next08/ 15Visit Planet DinglebotReturn to Xylophia for redemptionReggie joins the Xylophians for a lively celebration, featuring an unforgettable performance of JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher -powered music.
Basking in his success, Reggie forms a lasting friendship with the Xylophians and secures future sales opportunities.
A happy ending for our intergalactic salesman!Xylophian CelebrationSkip To End skip_next09/ 15Back To Title ScreenReggie lands on Planet Dinglebot, inhabited by the Dinglebotians - a species of tiny, hyper-intelligent robots.
He approaches their queen, offering a JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher as a gift.
She is intrigued but demands a test of intelligence first.
Reggie must prove his worth or face expulsion.Dinglebotian DiplomacySkip To End skip_next10/ 15Accept the challengeAttempt to fleeReggie returns to Xylophia, determined to make amends.
He offers to replant the broken branch and, with the help of the JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher "Botanical Repair" feature, successfully heals the damaged plant.
The Xylophians, grateful for his sincere efforts, forgive Reggie and welcome him back.
More sales opportunities arise, and Reggie's reputation is restored.Xylophian RedemptionSkip To End skip_next11/ 15Visit Planet DinglebotReturn home, victoriousReggie accepts the Dinglebotian queen's challenge and faces a series of complex riddles and puzzles.
To his surprise, he solves them all, thanks to his quick wit and the JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher s "Intellect Amplifier" mode.
Impressed, the queen purchases several gadgets, and Reggie leaves with a newfound sense of accomplishment.The Intelligence TestSkip To End skip_next12/ 15Back To Title ScreenReggie, intimidated by the Dinglebotian queen's intelligence test, decides to flee.
However, his escape attempt is thwarted by the hyper-intelligent robots.
The queen, displeased by his cowardice, banishes Reggie from the planet.
Another potential sale, lost.Fleeing FailureSkip To End skip_next13/ 15Return to Xylophia for redemptionReturn home, defeatedWith successful sales on Xylophia and newfound friendships, Reggie returns home, victorious.
His reputation as an intergalactic salesman is cemented, and the JIMAX HG Screen Pitcher/Catcher becomes a highly sought-after gadget across the cosmos.
The end of one adventure and the beginning of many more for Reggie Nebulon.A Salesman's TriumphSkip To End skip_next14/ 15Back To Title ScreenReggie, defeated by his failures on Gazorpazorp and Dinglebot, returns home with a heavy heart.
While his journey didn't go as planned, he's learned valuable lessons about perseverance and adaptability.
The end of one adventure, but Reggie Nebulon is not one to give up easily.
He'll be back.A Bitter EndSkip To End skip_next15/ 15Back To Title ScreenStart Music play_arrowMisadventures of a Galactic Gadgeteer
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